bigstock-Dentist-With-Clipboard-Talking-332382196-670x446 Laser Gum Therapy dentist Hartland

Laser gum therapy cleans up the toxins in the infected areas of the gums which encourages the bodies immune system to heal itself. With regular and professional care you can have the peace of mind of stable bone and clean breathe and the ability to chew what you wish.

When laser treatment is used on soft tissue, like gums, it is rarely accompanied by freezing. There is little or no bleeding, recovery time is minimal, and the gum or other tissue will heal far more quickly than surgical procedures undertaken with a scalpel. Laser treatments remove less tissue than conventional surgery which results in a treatment that is less painful to the patient.

Benefits of Laser Gum Therapy

No general anesthetic is needed, as is sometimes required for other forms of dental surgery.
Lasers can target the diseased areas precisely and accurately.
Bleeding, pain and swelling are limited because periodontal laser therapy is less invasive than regular surgery.
Recovery and healing times are shorter.

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